Indigeneity, Whiteness, & Medicine For All People (No Longer Available)

Life is a Festival #69: Nahko (Medicine for the People)


In light of a series of allegations concerning predatory behavior by Nahko, I have decided to remove this episode from my catalogue pending an accountability process.

While I am personally against the excesses of cancel culture and I don’t think people should be deplatformed for ideas, opinions, and most mistakes, I have read credible accounts of a pattern of abusive and predatory behavior towards women that requires a serious response.

Until such a time that there is an accountability process in place I don’t feel right presenting Nahko as a leader to this community. I believe that errors are redeemable, but that the first step is accountability, justice, and healing for those who have experienced harm.

My deepest wish is for everyone involved to experience a properly restorative process. I will observe and potentially reinstate the podcast if it feels appropriate to do so.

I have recorded a podcast with my mentor in men’s work, Ian MacKenzie, exploring the causes of this kind of behavior through a mythopoetic lens. You can listen to that podcast here.

Thanks for understanding and feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts.

- Eamon